St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church
55 Wilbur Blvd.
Poughkeepsie, NY

Click here for directions to the church

Casavant Frères, Opus 3780 (1999)

Information provided by John Sullivan, 2002

(Click thumbnail for larger image)

About the Organ

The organ was built by Casavant Frères of St. Hyacinthe, Québec, and installed in July of 1999. While clearly intended for use in a liturgical setting to accompany congregational singing and to present music of the Lutheran tradition, the instrument is designed with the capacity to serve as a vehicle for many styles and structures of musical composition.

The organ has two manuals and pedalboard, the swell being under expression, and consists of a total of seventeen stops and twenty-one ranks for a total of 1223 pipes.

Organ Specifications

Pedal   Swell  
1. Kontrabass 16' 1. Gedackt 8'
2. Bordun (Great) 16' sw. 2. Salicional 8'
3. Octave 8' 3. Schwebung 8'
4. Rohrflote (Great) 8' 4. Spitzflote 4'
5. Choral Bass 4' 5. Weitoktave 2'
6. Rohrflote (Great) 4' 6. Nasat 1 1/3'
7. Posaune 16' 7. Trompete (Great 8'
8. Trompete (Great) 8' Oboe 8'
9. Klarine (Great) 8' Tremulant  
10. Sw to Sw 4'    
11. Sw to sw 16'    
Great   Couplers (Solid state, electronic)
1. Bordun 16' 1. Great / Pedal 8'
2. Praestant 8' 2. Swell / Pedal 8'
3. Rohrflote 8' 3. Swell / Pedal 4'
4. Oktave 4' 4. Swell / Great 16'
5. Koppel flote 4' 5. Swell / Great 8'
6. Prinzipal 2' 6. Swell / Great>/TD> 4'
7. Sesqialtera II   
8. Mixtur IV    
9. Trompete 8'